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Farewell Father Jeff Walsh

Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, watching over them - not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be... 1 Peter 5:2

With gratitude to God, we say goodbye and send best wishes to Father Jeff Walsh, who, on July 1, will begin his ministry as Pastor of the Parish Communities of St. Rose of Lima Our Lady of Mount Carmel Carbondale PA. Father Walsh has served the Cathedral Parish for the past five years as a resident priest while undertaking the roles of Sacramental Minister at Our Lady of the Eucharist Parish in Pittston and Episcopal Vicar for Clergy in the Diocese of Scranton.

Monsignor Rupert, speaking on behalf of Bishop Bambera, Monsignor Muldowney, the Cathedral Parish staff, parishioners, and friends, wishes Father Walsh well in his new assignment: "I thank Father Walsh for his service to the Cathedral over the past five years. Our parishioners and friends welcomed him with open arms and found his presence spiritually comforting. His steadfast love of our Lord is evident in the way he interacts with the faithful and with his brother priests and, through his actions, he teaches us the value of ministry to God's people."

Reflecting on his time spent with us, Fr. Walsh said: After five years of residing at the Cathedral rectory, I want to express my thanks to Msgr. Rupert, the staff and parishioners for the always gracious hospitality and kindness I have been shown. And not only me, but my dog Sam as well! He will be a trivia question some day- ‘What was the name of the first dog to ever live at 315 Wyoming Ave?’.

My five year term as Vicar for Clergy is complete, and I am excited that Bishop Bambera has appointed me as Pastor of of the Parish Communities of Our Lady of Mount Carmel and St. Rose of Lima in Carbondale. Being a native Scrantonian, I have treasured the past five years at the Cathedral, and feel blessed to be assigned close to home where my parents still enjoy good health.

I will miss the many good times shared with the Bishop, Msgr. Muldowney, Msgr. Rupert and the wonderful staff at the Cathedral. The rectory “house” was truly a “home”. If you ever find yourself in Carbondale, look me up. The Poineer City, (North Pole of Lackawanna County) is where it all began for me as a priest. My first two years as a priest (1994-96) were at St. Rose. Take care and God bless!

We pray that Father Walsh will find his new assignment spiritually fulfilling and that God will keep him and Sam in His care!

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The Cathedral of Saint Peter is the Mother Church of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Scranton. The Cathedral has been serving the faithful of the diocese and beyond since 1853.


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